a mhyk anniversary fanproject
Creative pieces submitted by contributors. Whether it be art, fan fiction, cosplay, or other forms of creative media, we've got a fan work here for you!
a message from the flowerworks team.
Welcome, viewer, to flowerworks 2022! We're incredibly excited to show you this year's collection of MHYK fan works! We received a lot of real gems this time, all thanks to the love and care put in by the creatives of the EN MHYK community! We're so grateful to those who shared with us their work — flowerworks would not exist without you!
To the artists, thank you for all your colorful works. Your mastery of the pen and your endless creativity never cease to amaze us. You are all clearly adept at your crafts. Snow and White could stand to take pointers from you guys.
To the writers, thank you for all your wonderful stories. Your ability to share such beautifully crafted moments with us readers, and your time spent meticulously weaving them together are truly appreciated. The Sage would be jealous of your skills.
To the cosplayers and photographers, thank you all for your dedication and passion. More than simply designing outfits, you all take on and become the characters, something not everyone has the bravery and talent to pull off. Chloe would be so proud.
And lastly, to our viewers, thank you for taking the time to visit our site. We hope that you enjoy your stay, and that you come to take pride in our little MHYK online family as we have.
Happy third anniversary MHYK!